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The energy of time

The energy of time. Time energy. “These strange experiments Kozyrev” Barashenkov V.S.

The energy of time

In 1952, 40 years ago, the Pulkovo astronomer Nikolai Kozyrev expressed the “fantastic” idea of ​​converting time into energy. The fact that time is capable of being generated and absorbed by material bodies has substantiated his idea with experience. Scientists were distrustful of these works. Recently, three authors of articles published in Doklady AN SSSR repeated the experiments of the late professor Kozyrev and confirmed his startling conclusions. This can be no less outstanding discovery than Newton’s laws and Einstein’s theory of relativity. The energy of time

The epidemic of discovery, or how to see what is not.
In order to better feel the atmosphere that surrounds the work of Kozyrev and his few followers today, and understand why a significant part of scientists refuse to take them seriously, we will have to mentally go back to the beginning of the century, when the unexpected discoveries of X-rays and the mysterious radiations of radium, which struck the imagination the general public, but also “dry” professional scientists, generated a stream of sensational messages about the discoveries of even more amazing rays.

It was argued that new rays penetrate the walls of houses, can disrupt the operation of internal combustion engines, some of them somehow sharply sharpen the sense of smell and vision of people exposed to them and can even be used as death rays that paralyze living organisms. Frightening reports flashed in the newspapers about unexplained car accidents and accidents in the vicinity of secluded mansions, cellars, which, according to rumors, were conducted experiments with new rays.

Science fiction – a new genre of literature that quickly gained sympathy – added fuel to the fire. X-rays, alpha-rays, beta, gamma … it seemed in the Latin and Greek alphabets that there would soon be not enough letters to denote them!

Particularly sensational was the story of N-rays by French professor of physics R. Blondo. His works were published in the journal of the Paris Academy of Sciences, and soon dozens of articles followed confirming the discoveries. Engineers, chemists, and doctors saw traces of N-rays in various natural phenomena: they were emitted by many metals and minerals, plant tissues, and especially nerve fibers and the brain of animals and humans.

Some researchers managed to transmit by wire, doctors used new rays to diagnose spinal injuries, and the Paris Academy of Sciences hastened to award Professor Blondo an honorary Gold Medal. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue – an article by the famous American optician R. Wood.

In it, he talked about how, doubting the existence of N-rays, he was not too lazy to cross the ocean and visited the Blondo laboratory. While the flattered professor showed him his experiments, the American guest secretly pulled out a part from the installation, without which she obviously could not act. Nevertheless, Blondo, who had no suspicion of a dirty trick, still saw a bunch of N-rays and, turning the device’s adjusting knobs, talked about changing their properties.

A scandal erupted. The flow of journal articles on N-rays cut off sharply, and their discoverer, deeply reliving embarrassment, went crazy and soon died. Could Blondo and all his followers be hoaxers and deceivers? Of course not. Colleagues spoke of Professor Blondo as a very decent person and a serious scientist. Yes, and many of those who “saw” the rays revealed to him were also undoubtedly honest people. (Among them is the physicist Jean Becquerel, whose father was the first to notice the radioactivity of uranium salts).

The point is a kind of hypnosis (self-hypnosis). Influenced by successive discoveries of new radiations, wanting to keep up with his colleagues, Blondo took what he wanted to be real. Working at the limit of the sensuality of the eye, he apparently mistook her natural vibrations for the physical effect, that is, figuratively speaking, “watched imaginary rays with my mind’s eye”.

And his numerous followers were crushed by the authority of the professor’s article in an academic journal. Therefore, those of them who did not see anything doubted the accuracy of their experiments and were cautious with the conclusions, while the others, who seemed to see something, believed in the famous scientist and were in a hurry to send their observations to the journal.

Each new publication encouraged doubters to say “yes,” to stake out a site in a new scientific field and the flow of publications increased. Found new features of N-rays … A real epidemic of discovery! Everyone knows Andersen’s fairy tale about the dress of the naked king. This happens in science. And not so rare.

A very famous physicist believed in the existence of the desired phenomenon and so passionately wanted to find it that he found a lot of arguments why the experiment with a negative outcome is “not clean”, but experiments with a positive outcome were welcome. Both he and his staff “saw” what other laboratories did not succeed, and the debate lasted for years.

History repeats itself.
Today on the pages of magazines new radiation and fields are reported, some are felt only as if by psychics. The “energoatomizdat” published a thick monograph on the “new science of ether dynamics”, which proves the existence of a previously unknown type of electric fields. And although these fields arose due to a simple mathematical error in calculations with vectors, the next section of the book is devoted to experiments confirming them. The energy of time.

And recently (1992) in a scientific and technical report, based on the observations of the authors, it was argued that the angular momentum, which is a moment of momentum well familiar from school, is actually a supposedly special charge and creates around itself a very impressive, but still no not yet noticed “spinor” field. According to the authors, it is created by the rotation of an ordinary flywheel and even a fountain pen – the difference in radiation intensity. At the same time, wonderful fields, etc., are discovered by geologists and chemists, biologists and doctors — a hundred or so, but not physicists.

Icicles of hypotheses.
But the fact is that it is worth moving from visual emotions (qualitative) to quantitative assessments and glaring contradictions will immediately be revealed.

It is impossible to put forward a new hypothesis or to come up with a new field without thereby affecting the system of already formed knowledge.

In nature, everything is interconnected, and every hypothesis turns out to be a mass of consequences, like telephone wires connected with other branches of science.

Therefore, quantitative calculations and control experiments based on them can always distinguish a genuine discovery from a fantasy. A quantitative analysis of the consequences is a science.

True, any hypothesis can be saved by eliminating the contradictions by introducing additional hypotheses. And when their inconsistency is discovered, resort to using the next layer of hypotheses, etc. Such long logical “icicles” were especially popular in the disputes of medieval scholastics.

Kozyrev’s idea of ​​converting time into energy and the ensuing conclusion about the force field of time are so contrary to our ideas that it belongs to science fiction. Physicists are smiling: they say, the famous astronomer who discovered the volcanism of the Moon, whose merits are marked by numerous diplomas and medals, is allowed to have an not entirely scientific hobby, because the English astronomer Hyle writes science fiction novels.

Kozyrev’s experiments, although they often yielded different quantitative results, could be repeated (unlike Blondo). The question is how to interpret it: is it a signal of amazing processes or a physical “rebus”. This dispute lasts about 40 years.

The river of material time.
Kozyrev proceeded from the idea that time is not just “pure duration”, the distance from one event to another, but something material, which has not only “length”, but also density.

Indeed, experiment and quantum theory proved that if the space surrounding us could be viewed with a superstrong microscope, magnifying trillions of trillions of times, then we would see it filled with the “smog” of particles that are born and then disappear. In other words, vacuum is not a pure incorporeal extension, but a special state of matter. If this is so, then time should also have similar properties of a “special substance”, because the theory of relativity says that space and time are like two projections of a single whole – distance in 4-dimensional space.

True, such a space is not three-dimensional, ordinary, but these are details. If one projection has material properties, then another can have them. Thoughts on the materiality of time were expressed long before quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity. In ancient philosophies, two entities were mentioned that make up the foundation of the world – amorphous material, forming the body, and incorporeal, invisible and imperceptible, generating movement, the transition from one state to another. In modern language, the first is called matter, the second is time.

But in most philosophies and physical theories, time is not material.

From Kozyrev’s point of view, the metaphor “river of time” has a direct meaning. In his theory, time has a density, and maybe other properties that still need to be discovered. Washing the material bodies, the river of time exerts a force effect on them. Meet the “mill wheel” on the way, and the flow of time will set it in motion, i.e. time is an active participant in events. It speeds them up or slows them down. We can say that time has two types of properties: passive, related to the geometry of our world (they are studied by the theory of relativity), and active, depending on its internal “structure”. This is the subject of Kozyrev’s theory. The energy of time. Time energy

Sources and sources.
The density of time characterizes the degree of its activity. The density of time changes when interacting with a substance (like a water jet in a collision with a stone). In some cases, for example, in a collision of elastic balls, which occurs almost without energy loss, the process can go both in the forward and in the opposite direction. No qualitative changes occur here, only the kinematics changes. We can assume that the density of time also remains unchanged.

Irreversible processes, say, the inhibition of a body by friction or the evaporation of a liquid, is another matter. It’s impossible to precisely lead them in the opposite direction, trace by trace repeating all their intermediate stages. According to Kozyrev, there is a change in the density of time.

If it increases, this is equivalent to the emission of a temporary substance, i.e. the creation of time. If its density decreased and the processes began to proceed less vigorously, then there was an absorption of time. The universe in Kozyrev’s theory turns out to be like an endless ocean-sea, in some places of which large and small keys beat, spewing streams of time, in others sewer drains that draw time in are open. There it becomes nothingness.

Since the flow of time actively interacts with matter, it should be expected that it will leave imprints of the properties and structures of the bodies with which it “collides”. Taking away part of the information, time disorders the bodies, violates their internal organization.

According to Kozyrev, any process associated with the loss of information and an increase in chaos necessarily emits a stream of time mottled with information. Absorbed in the surrounding bodies, it increases the amount of information contained in them and thereby somewhat streamlines their structure. It turns out that any destructive process is associated with the descent of time, and any ordering is accompanied by its absorption. For example, melting snow, evaporating a liquid, or dissolving sugar in water are sources of time.

Then, in substances located next to them and absorbing part of the time stream emitted by them, defects in the crystal lattices should be eliminated, and damaged living structures should be restored in living organisms. In the vicinity of nonequilibrium processes, the electrical resistance of metals will change, which greatly depends on the ordering of their structure, the heat capacity, magnetic properties, etc. should also change there. As the stones whet the water, the river of time flowing through the Universe influences the events occurring in it every minute, redistributes the her energy and information.

Past and future.
The river of time flows from the past to the future. But how do these two ends differ? What determines the direction of the “arrow of time”?

Most scientists are inclined to think that the point here is in the innumerable channels through which every object and every phenomenon is associated with the environment.

Even those that look completely isolated, continuously emit and absorb quanta from various fields, interact with the vacuum “smog”. It is no exaggeration to say that every phenomenon in our world is directly or indirectly connected with all others. This leads to the fact that energy and information in the processes of interaction “spread” through numerous brooks-channels and it is simply impossible to collect them back. This can be done only approximately, preserving the widest flows and cutting off everything else.

Most precisely, this succeeds in “reversible” processes, although complete reversibility and absolute symmetry exist only in abstraction. Irreversible processes just set the direction of the “arrow of time”. We come to the gloomy conclusion about the gradual, but inevitable degeneration of the Universe, its transformation into a gas of the simplest, elementary particles, which have nothing to decay into and nothing to pass into. In addition, the cosmological expansion of the Universe (the “recession” of galaxies) makes it extremely discharged.

Calculations show that the empty dead world will come no earlier than in 10110 years, the interval compared with which 20 billion years of the existence of our Universe is a vanishingly small moment. Kozyrev did not accept the idea of ​​thermal death of the world. In his opinion, the processes of time absorption, which play the role of an automatic stabilizer, impede the unlimited “spreading” of energy and information.

Absorbing time, material systems restore the level of their organization, and this provides an endless cycle of nature. Kozyrev saw the confirmation of his hypothesis in the phenomenon of multibillion-star burning. The calculation of the number of neutrinos released during nuclear reactions in the sun, and therefore on other stars, indicates that the power of the nuclear furnace is apparently insufficient to maintain stellar energy at a stable level at a stable level, and therefore there should be some other sources.

Who is older – an egg or a chicken?
Kozyrev tried to find an explanation of the mechanism of emission and absorption of time in connection with cause and effect.

The transition of cause to effect determines the direction of the process, and, therefore, the direction of the flow of time, distinguishes between past and future.

Time flows into the system through cause to effect. It is drawn in by the cause and condensed where the effect is located. A logical circle arises: time is determined through causality, and it depends on time. You can only give birth to what was not there at first, and then it became. As in the saying: where is the beginning of the end with which this beginning ends? True, movement is always transmitted along causal chains of events.

For example, in mechanical phenomena – momentum and torque. It would seem that this circumstance can be used to establish order. Unfortunately, gaining or losing motion alone does not mean anything about the direction of the process. The body with which the reason is connected can either lose momentum – remember billiard balls stopping when a head-on hit – and get it (the shotgun from which the shot is made is experiencing a return). Kozyrev and other scientists believe that causality has a deeper and more fundamental meaning than time.

But no one has succeeded in creating a “timeless” theory of causality. The new theory always seems contradictory. The main thing is that all the quantities used by it and their relationships can be unambiguously realized in experiment and the consequences can be verified. Kozyrev’s theory satisfies this requirement.

Causal Mechanics and Energy of Time
Causal mechanics (RU). On mechanical systems — they are the simplest — the predictions of a new theory should be checked. Note that any mechanical movement consists of displacement and rotation and can be represented as a screw (movement of the corkscrew into the cork). Kozyrev suggested that the force effect of a temporary flow during the transition of a cause into a consequence is also associated with screw force.

The cause acts on the effect, and the effect resists with a “reverse screw”. The counter pressures completely cancel each other out, causing internal stresses, and peripheral rotations create a pair of forces directed in opposite directions. This is similar to how we press on the handlebars of a bicycle while turning. Forces deform the object and also cause stress in it. All these stresses are precisely the energy that the stream of time flowing into it brings into the body.

Acting on the body, time can not move it from its place, but it is able to deploy it. In this sense, it is akin to rotation, and one more bold assumption can be made: not only time gives rise to rotation, but also vice versa – any rotation increases the density of the time flow, creating an additional “temporary screw” along its axis.

In other words, it is assumed that any rotating body, being included in a causal relationship, is necessarily deformed and, in addition, creates a pair of forces, one of which is applied to the point of location of the cause, and the second – at the point of consequence.

This is a very important hypothesis. If the previous ones were more philosophical than physical in nature, then this can be quantitatively verified by experience. Consider, for example, a rapidly rotating top – a gyroscope attached to the laboratory ceiling with a long elastic suspension. It is clear that after the swings of such an unusual pendulum are damped, it will stretch along the vertical — as long as there are no external causal connections, the additional “temporary screw” of the rotating gyroscope deforms it somewhat, but does not shift the center of gravity. A pair of forces is also “hidden” inside the gyroscope.

The situation will change if the pendulum is included in some external process, for example, installed on the ceiling, at the point of suspension, an electric vibrator that will cause vibrations transmitted along the plumb line of the gyroscope. According to “causal mechanics”, in this case a pair of forces will immediately appear. One of them will act on the cause – the vibrator, a friend will be applied to the rotating gyroscope, which is associated with the absorption of oscillations (consequence). The plumb line should deviate from the vertical.

If now we fix the vibrator on the gyroscope itself, that is, interchange the cause and effect (the vibrations will now be absorbed by the ceiling of the room), then the direction of the “temporary screw” will be reversed and the plumb should also deviate in the opposite direction. Experiments confirmed his predictions!

In another experiment, he weighed a rotating gyroscope on an analytical balance, consisting of a central rack and a rocker mounted on it with hanging cups – one for an object to be weighed, the other for a counterbalancing weight. Such scales are often used by photographers and pharmacists.

When there is no external process, all temporary deformations are again hidden inside the gyroscope and its weight does not depend on rotation. However, it’s worthwhile to turn on the vibrator acting on the balance rack, as soon as a couple of forces arise: one is applied to the cause – the vibrating rack, the second – to the center of gravity of the rotating gyroscope, and the balance of the cups is disturbed. Depending on the direction of rotation of the gyroscope, clockwise or counterclockwise, its weight should decrease or increase. And experience reaffirmed the theory.

Deviations from ordinary, “unreasonable” mechanics are small – only a few thousandths of a percent, but they were repeated from one experiment to another. In addition to vibration, other causal chains were also used. A pendulum with a metal suspension string and a rotating gyroscope were connected to the external current network; in other cases, the suspension point was very hot or cooled, and Kozyrev always found the effect predicted by his new mechanics. Similar results were obtained by other researchers.

Assuming that in these experiments there are no hidden systematic errors, their results cannot be explained using known physical laws, i.e. we are on the verge of more fundamental discoveries than the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.

In particular, Kozyrev’s most surprising result about signals coming to us from the future. This means that in nature there is a fast-acting information channel unknown to us in the past and in the distant future. The conclusion that the weight of the top depends on the direction of its rotation cannot be understood if we remain within the framework of the physics we are familiar with. Excess weight is simply nowhere to come from and nowhere to disappear. Nevertheless, experience says that weight changes!

Kozyrev observed this amazing phenomenon in those cases when an external vibration acted on the gyroscope, which, according to his theory, just creates a stream of time that changes the weight of the gyroscope. However, small deviations from the laws known to us should be observed without it. The fact is that the flow of time is born immediately by many irreversible processes. For example, the quantitative results of experiments significantly depend on the time of the year – in spring the effect is greater than in winter or summer.

An additional stream of time is also created by the rotation of the Earth, which, through the gravitational field, together with the gyroscope, is included in the external causal chain. The only question is the magnitude of the effects and the accuracy of the experiments necessary for their detection.

Recently, Japanese physicists unexpectedly encountered this phenomenon, not knowing that they almost literally repeated Kozyrev’s experiment. The difference is that they did not have a vibrator, but they took a number of additional precautions that reduce the possibility of errors in the experiment. They found that the weight of their gyroscope varied according to clockwise or counterclockwise rotation. The same experiments performed in the American laboratory did not give a change in weight. There may be some errors in the technique.

Kozyrev observed how, in the neighborhood of a glass of evaporating liquid nitrogen or a vessel where fast crystallization of the solution occurs, the electrical resistance of the conductors changes, even if they are separated by glass and metal screens. Surprisingly, the rate of development of bacterial colonies in the nutrient broth changes.

Nature loves to play a trick. One radio amateur told how one day he almost submitted an application for the discovery of the influence of moonlight on the work of television antennas. Within six months, he noted a clear correlation between the sensitivity of the soybean antenna located on the roof of the house and the phases of the moon. Every time the full moon sensitivity “sat down”, and when a narrow sickle of the month appeared in the sky, it returned to normal.

Radio amateur friends carefully examined the radio equipment and each time became convinced that the changes in the radio reception really could not be explained by anything other than the influence of the moon. Nature miracle! The answer was found by chance. The cat turned out to be guilty, which on moonlit nights for some reason loved to settle near the antenna. And thus disturbed her work. The basic requirement for a scientific experiment is its reproducibility.

Recently, from those who are passionate about collecting facts about telepathy, the extraordinary abilities of psychics and other difficult to explain and practical irreproducible phenomena, one can hear the opinion that the irreproducibility of some observations is related to their nature – the extreme weakness or rarity of the emitted effects, which leads them to from the circle of strictly quantitative science. The requirement of mandatory reproducibility, they say, closes the generally accepted areas of fundamentally new phenomena.

One cannot agree with this. Separation of weak and rarely occurring events from the background is a common task of scientific research. For example, when studying neutrinos, physicists manage to filter them out from hundreds of thousands and millions of uninteresting events, and the gravitational wave detectors now being created in many laboratories around the world will emit rare tremors that change the lengths of heavy multimeter cylinders by an amount comparable to the size of atoms.

The irreproducibility of the results is the main reason why physicists are skeptical of Kozyrev’s experiments and theory. Especially after American gyro weight measurements. The uniqueness of the results – in the eyes of a physicist an unacceptable crime. Surprise was the article by Novosibirsk scientists led by the famous mathematician M.M. Lavrentiev in 1991 in it reported on the confirmation of the change in the mass of motionless bodies observed by Kozyrev, the weight as a result of their absorption of the time stream.

The weight of time.
According to Kozyrev’s theory, the streams of time emitted by irreversible processes are partially absorbed by surrounding bodies, increasing their energy and mass. Novosibirsk scientists have verified this using hydrostatic weighing. In this case, the test sample, a weight, suspended from the shoulder of the analytical balance, is immersed in a vessel with distilled water. A change in the balance between the weight of the sample and the buoyancy force of Archimedes is immediately fixed by the movement of the arrow of the scales.

It turned out that when the evaporation of liquid nitrogen occurs nearby, a glass of hot water cools, a cup with sugar or salt dissolved in it is placed, or when there is a person next to the scales, in whose body there are constantly many irreversible processes, the weight of the studied samples really changes – approximately 1/1000 or 1/10000 fraction of a percent, and slowly returns to normal after the removal of the “source of time”.

We studied samples from various materials – metals, wood, coal, graphite, etc. In some cases, screens were used to protect the samples from the direct influence of vessels with water, nitrogen, etc. The amazing effect of the change in mass was observed in all cases!

Not only the mass of the float – the weight, immersed in water, changed, but also the density of the water itself. For some irreversible processes, it increased, for others, it decreased.

Measurements were carried out during the year. As Kozyrev predicted, their results noticeably changed depending on external conditions, but the nature of the variations was completely different from that of atmospheric pressure, humidity, and temperature.

If you do not resort to the “causal theory”, then it is unclear how to explain them. Attempts to attribute them to the influence of heat transfer, absorption, or other known physical processes have been unsuccessful. The findings are amazing. However, astronomical observations gave the most striking result when testing the causal theory of Kozyrev.

Believe it or not…
If we assume that the properties of bodies are affected by irreversible processes, such as the simple dissolution of sugar, then the phenomena occurring in the bowels of the sun and other stars should have an effect. According to Kozyrev, they are all both absorbers and intense time generators.

Two signals must come from every event that happens there to us on Earth – one runs inside the space, through an interstellar vacuum, the other spreads inside the “temporary matter”. The first is light and radio waves. From the sun they go to us for about 8 minutes. The second is a temporal ray unknown to us earlier (Latin. “Tempus” – time). Because there is no other time inside time, it should spread instantly – with infinite speed.

If Kozyrev’s theory is correct, there should be two spots in the focal plane of the telescope: a light spot telling about the past, what the star was like when it was now emitting light, and temporal, invisible to the eye, characterizing its current position in the sky at the moment. To find out where it is located, you need to calculate its displacement during the movement of the light beam.

The telescope should be directed to the point of the celestial sphere calculated in this way, and, for example, to use as a sensitive “eye” some device for measuring the electrical resistance of a current conductor. When a spot gets into this conductor into which the telescope has focused the temporal ray emitted by the star, its resistance will change, and we will find out about this by the movement of the arrow of the galvanometer included in the circuit. A very simple and visual experience! Kozyrev discovered the predicted effect.

For the Sun and other stars located at different distances from the Earth, the angles of rotation of the telescope are different, but each time, directing it to the calculated point of the sky, Kozyrev observed a temporal signal. At the same time, the galvanometer needle remained indifferent to all neighboring directions.

So that there was no doubt that the flow of time acts on the resistance of the conductor, and not light radiation, a screen made of black paper or plastic was installed in the path of the beam. And the galvanometer needle deflected anyway. The screens are transparent to time, it was delayed only by thick, centimeter layers of matter.

Experience confidently recorded the “rays of time.” Novosibirsk scientists recently repeated experiments in Crimea and obtained a similar result.

Let’s fantasize. Assuming such incredible rays exist, this would make amazing inventions.

You can create an ultrafast communication system – encode a temporal ray, placing and removing various absorbing screens from its path and instantly transmit messages to any corner of the Universe.

You can invent “temporal electronics” and heavy-duty computers. In the experiments of Novosibirsk scientists, a strong effect of temporal rays on living organisms was noticed. If a colony of microorganisms is placed in the focal plane of the telescope, where the temporal spot is focused, then a few minutes of irradiation greatly increases their vital activity, the rate of reproduction. And how will the powerful ray, the “ray of death” act ?! But that’s not all. It turns out that part of the temporal rays comes to us from … the future. In other words, they carry information about events that have yet to occur.

The first to notice such rays was Kozyrev. Looking through the telescope in different directions, he unexpectedly discovered in addition to the already found one, another beam invisible to the eye. He proceeded from the point at which the star was yet to come — it would be there when the light ray emitted at the moment on Earth reached it.

The conclusion clearly contradicted our ideas about the properties of the surrounding world, but measurements proved that a similar picture holds for all stars. Each of them emits three rays: a ray of light in the past, temporal from the instant present, and another such from the future. Only rare stars were limited to one light. One might think that they are in a relatively calm state, when the intensity of nonequilibrium processes giving rise to a temporary flow there is low. Nobody believed these results. And now, Novosibirsk has confirmed.

The ossified world.
The ancient Greek myth tells from three gloomy incorruptible goddesses of fate Moira. One casts lots, the second weaves the thread of fate, and the third writes everything in the Book of Genesis. They remember the past – that which has already been accomplished and that cannot be influenced in any way, hold the present in their hands and predict the future, which, by the will of the gods and the lot, depends on the present, is tuned by him like a harp by a master musician.

In modern scientific language, this picture is called the dynamic concept of time. She says that like everything else, events are born (become) and die (pass). All modern science and all our practical actions are based on this concept. No wonder they say: what you sow, you will reap, and that each of us is the smith of his own happiness.

But the experiments of Kozyrev and Novosibirsk convince us that all this is just an illusion, in fact the world, all the objects filling it and all events exist all at once in their past, present and future.

It turns out that the world exists immediately in all its four-dimensional volume. The past and future in it are as real as the present. Just as the movement in space demonstrates to us the objects “arranged” in it, the change in the time coordinate, which we feel as a stream of time, unfolds one after another the pictures of existing events.

Nothing is born again; everything has existed for centuries; this is the so-called static concept of time. Its roots go back to the distant past. Even the ancient Greek philosophers, many centuries before our era, tried to prove that the world is unchanging, that the “present” is just a label that our consciousness moves. Like a shadow on the dial of a sundial, which exists independently of it, all at once, with all twelve digits – the clock.

Her few adherents saw the theoretical justification of this concept unusual for us in the works of the German mathematician German Minkowski, who at the beginning of our century showed that the equations of mechanics and electrodynamics can be written so that the spatial coordinates x, y, z and time t will completely fit into them symmetrically.

From a mathematical point of view, they are equal, or rather, almost equal, since the time coordinate always comes in multiplied by the imaginary unit i. Kozyrev believed that in his astronomical experiments he was able to confirm in practice the existence of “four-dimensionality”, where the future exists along with the present, and therefore there is nothing surprising in the fact that it can be observed from our “now.”

True, the notation of equations proposed by Minkowski does not contradict the usual, dynamic concept. It establishes only the mathematical symmetry of space and time, i.e. the order in which the spatio-temporal coordinates of events should be located, but says nothing about the very existence of the latter.

According to the rules of Minkowski, one can find out how the past, which has already been accomplished, and the future, which are still becoming events, are located relative to each other in four-dimensional space. Well, the fact that all events are already “embedded” in our world in advance is a separate hypothesis.

It could be considered proven if we agree with the fact that in experiments with a telescope we are really dealing with rays from the future. Then the dynamic concept of time would have to be discarded and it would be necessary to recognize that the world around us, and in the place with it, we ourselves, are ossified, unchanging in our eternal being.

This is a very strange world. Each item in it must be replicated in an infinite number of copies – to each moment of time its own copy. Something like a long continuous sausage. The intersection of “sausages” is events, each of which has already been implemented in all its details, and we are just limp, ossified dolls on the four-dimensional scene of being. No accident – everything is predetermined and prescribed in advance!

Nature is hardly arranged in such a strange way …

To avoid absolute ossification, Kozyrev suggested that the world of events is realized only in its main features, while the details remain uncertain, therefore the image of the future that comes to us is always somewhat blurred. With full clarity, we can observe it only for reversible events, in other cases, there is some “backlash” that allows you to make corrections.

Having at our disposal a picture of the future, even if somewhat blurry, it is possible in our present to make such changes that will correct the course of future events in the way that is necessary for us. And since in relation to the past our present is itself the future, with the help of instant temporal signals it is possible to influence the past – to “wipe” or “clean” something there.

Of course, this will immediately lead to difficulties – many cause-effect chains will be mixed up, and the causes included in them will now and then change places with the consequences.

One could get out of this chaos if one assumes that there is not one, but immediately many parallel future ones, and the transition from one to the other happens whenever the past is corrected. Such a fantastic world, figuratively speaking, looks like a four-dimensional tree with a common trunk-distant past and many branching branches of the future emerging from it.

Many probably read A. Azimov’s science fiction novel “The End of Eternity”, where people live just in such a complex world, and “erasing” the past, which scientists and politicians are engaged in, continually leads to anomalies and paradoxes.

It’s hard to believe that we live in such a terrible world …

What is the outcome?
So, today we have the following picture: on one side of the scientific “balance” discouraging control weighings of rotating gyroscopes, paradoxes with causality, on the other – the experiments of Kozyrev and Novosibirsk scientists with mass measurements and “temporal spots” under the telescope. Which is harder? My opinion is that the bowl with gyroscopes and causality seems heavier. Amazing phenomena under the telescope may have a different explanation, not related to time. But there are other points of view. The energy of time

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