Trilateral spacetime effect

Over-unity – time modification effect

The use of non-reactive forces in power systems should generate excess power without reacting toinitial inputs. This is a well-known “perpetual motion” concept.

Over-unity should be feasible if output power derives from a non-reactive force, including electromagnetics or electrostatics, as the trilateral effect theory accounts for the process of time generation in 3- dimensional spatial curvature. Over-unity power can be obtained only jointly with a gravity/time effect.

Gravitational transform spacecraft

This approach enables the design of a new mode of spacecraft. Previously, anti-gravity drives were assumed to require tremendous power (e.g.: from on-board nuclear plants). With this “three-sided effect,” spacecraft could generate a bonus of over-unity power while transforming the gravitational field.

This power would also act as a gravity propulsion system. In such spacecraft it is not necessary to expend power; but there would be a difficulty in transforming it into heat and in its use. It is a trilateral, a “three-sided effect” [7]. In a general sense, power can be considered to result from changes in energy form. In over-unity cases output power may be considered to result from changes in spacetime parameters (space curvature, rate of time). The source of energy is the gravitational field or the flow of time.

3-dimensional Law ot Conservation

The Law of Conservation remains true. However, it is necessary to generalize it for multidimensional cases. As now stated, the Law is valid for 3 dimensions only – changes in gravity and time were not considered.

Another version can now be offered: The total energy of a system is the sum of the energy of spacetime processes plus the processes of reverse space-time. This sum is constant and is equal to zero [8].

Reverse-time compensation

From this viewpoint, all we observe in the material world is only half of the Universe. Any power process is compensated by its equal anti-process h reverse-time. This is Newton’s Second Law for Action and Reaction in a multidimensional version. Systems try to remain at rest, by balancing sums of equal, opposite processes.

Power can be created from “zero”, only with an opposite process at same level, as it is for the positron-electron pair. Trilateral processes are also possible; conjointly, they attain a zero-sum energy level.

They are also effective and may be the basis of a new science that would no longer be dualistic (negative-positive, 1/0, etc.) [9]. In tri-polar “electricity” A, B and C types of charges are composed of positive and negative elements.

The sum of A, B, C equals to zero, just as positive and negative charges do. Zero-sum energetics approach could be applied in “uninterrupted” logic continuum, avoiding the ‘yes-no” discrete solutions for problems and questions. N.A.Kozyrev [10] created “cause-effect” mechanics, demonstrating experimentally time-density changes (as cohesion of cause-effect connection). With his theory, time can be a free energy resource. Living systems consume the flow of time as for their life-energy. Likewise, the energetics of stars involve a transformation of time’s flow into the energy of light radiation.

But it is critical to acquire control of cohesion and stability of cause-effect connections for any process. Since time is rate of transformation of cause into effect, according to Kozyrev, gravitypropulsion systems would alter causality in the material world within operational range. Quantum-world laws would act at the macrosystem level with regard to local gravity and time parameters. Trilateral spacetime effect


References and notes

1. Puthoff, Harold E.. The energetic vacuum: implications for energy research. Speculations in science and technology, vol. 13(3), p. 247.

2. Valone, Thomas. Inertial propulsion, Newsletter ot Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Vol.7(1), p. 6-12.

3. NASA’s electrostatic levitation experiments and Thomas Townsend Brown’s research, see: Newsletter of Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Vol. 7(4), July 1994, special Nexus feature: Electrogravitics developments.

4. The Swiss Methernitha-Linden Converter, Space Energy, Vol. 4(2), July 1993 p. 3-6. My understanding of this electrostatic device allows a simple set-up: self-rotation due to electrostatic forces disk with an electric generator at disk axis.

5. Edmund Whittaker’s work (papers of 1903-1904) is developed by T.E. Bearden in his book Gravitobiology, published by Tesla Book Co., 1991.

6. Ouspensky, P. D., A new model of the universe. New York. 1971, (p. 433 by 1993 Russian edition).

7. Simultaneous demonstration of “gravity/chronal/over-unity power” effect is a 1960 invention of Ivan S. Filimonenko. His cold fusion system produced: 1) heat. 2) motive force without the flying back af mass and 3) influence on time-period of half-decay. See: article by N.E. Zaev, in Izobretatel I Rationalizator, Vol 1, 1995, p.

8-9. 8. Frolov, Alexander V., The application of potential energy for the creation of power, New Energy News, Vol 2(1). May, 1994.

9. Lensky V. V., Basis for multi-polarity, Irkutsk University, 1991. [In Russian].

10. Kozyrev N. A., Selected works. University of Sf. Petersburg, 1991 [In Russian]. Now available: On the way for understanding the time phenomenon: Construction of time, A.P. Levich, editor. World Scientific Press. 1995.

Commentary to the article by Dr. Puthoff

There is experimental evidence that vacuum fluctuations can be altered by technological means. This leads to the corollary that, in principle, gravitational and inertial masses can also be altered. This leads us to one of the most speculative, but nonetheless scientifically grounded, proposals: the Alcubierre Warp Drive. Miguel Alcubierre of the University ot Wales set himself the task of determining whether faster-than-light travel was possible within the constraints of standard theory. Although this clearly could not be the case in the flat space of special relativity, general relativity permits consideration of altered spacetime metrics where such a possibility is not a priori ruled out. Alcuhierre’s further self-imposed constraints on an acceptable solution included the requirements that no net time distortion should occur (breakfast on Earth, lunch on Aplha Centauri, and home for dinner with your wife and children, not it you great-great-great grandchildren), and that the occupants of the spaceship were not to be flattened against the bulkhead by unconscionable accelerations). Trilateral spacetime effect

A solution meeting all of the above requirements was found and published by Alcubierre in Classical and quantum gravity in 1994. It involved the creation of a local distortion of spacetime such that spacetime is expanded behind the spaceship, contracted ahead of it, and yields a hypersurfer-like motion faster than the speed of light as seen in by observers outside the disturbed region. In essence, on the outgoing leg of its journey the space-ship is pushed away from Earth and pulled towards its distant destination by the engineered local expansion of spacetime itself. (For follow-up on the broader aspects of “metric engineering” concepts, one can refer to a paper published by myself in Physics Essays in 1996). Interestingly enough, the engineering requirements rely on the generation of macroscopic, negative-energy density, Casimir-like states in the quantum vacuum.

Unfortunately, meeting such requirements is presently beyond our technological reach.

It has been known for some time that general relativity permits the possibility of wormholes, topological tunnels which in principle could connect distant parts of the universe, a cosmic subway so to speak. Publishing in the American Journal of Physics in 1988, theorists Morris and Thorne have outlined the requirements for traversable wormholes, and have found that, in principle, the possibility exists provided one has access to engineerable, Casimir-like negativeenergy-density vacuum states.

In the wings of our deepening understanding of the quantum universe in which we live, it is only a matter of time before such “magic” will become the handmaiden of mankind’s drive to explore the beckoning highways and byways of interstellar space.

Dr. Harold E. Puthoff

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