Professor Myshkin’s experiments 1911

Professor Myshkin’s experiments in the control of gravity of various forces. 1911.

At the very beginning of our century, namely in 1906, the journal of the Russian Physicochemical Society published an article by Professor N.P. Myshkin under the inconspicuous title “Movement of a body in a stream of radiant energy.”

Despite the fact that the title did not promise anything unusual, the facts cited in the publication were so amazing and incredible, and the author’s conclusions were so bold and unusual that the scientific world of Russia accused the scientist of some kind of unintentional falsification. In response to this accusation three years later, another article by N.P. Myshkin appeared in the same journal, and in 1911, its continuation, which rejected the attacks on the incorrectness of the experiments. First of all, the main conclusion of the author of bold experiments shocked scientists. Yes, even today it sounds somewhat unexpected. “The space in which there is some kind of distribution of radiant energy must be considered as a field of some ponderomotive forces.” What does this mean? What did the now forgotten Russian professor mean? And what experiments gave him the opportunity to talk about such a strange behavior of space? Professor Myshkin’s experiments 1911

Oak bar and platinum thread

A few years before the events described, while making fine meteorological measurements and studying errors in instrument readings, which for some unknown reason were repeated with invariable constancy, Myshkin discovered a mysterious property of many highly sensitive indicators – the so-called zero drift. Indeed, why should we “output” the instrument needle before each measurement zero to correct it. Any technician will say today: pickups. We are constantly (and devices too) in an electromagnetic field, we are surrounded by dozens of conductors, a variety of currents circulate around us. They are changing the picture.

However, a careful study led N.P. Myshkin to another conclusion: the surrounding space, constantly changing some of its well-defined parameters, acts on the pointer of any precision instrument, constantly setting it to a new position. But what kind of forces shift the pointer? N.P. Myshkin, without going into detail about their nature (and not being able to do so), called them ponderomotive – from the Latin “pondeos” – weight, “motor” – movement.

After some thought, the scientist made a very simple device for studying these forces. A light mica disc was hung on a thin platinum thread 0.03 mm in diameter. A light mirror was attached to the thread; it reflected a narrow beam of light, which showed on the screen any position of the disk.

The device was placed in a glass cylinder, which, for light impermeability – in order to exclude light pressure – was closed with a cardboard case pasted over with black paper. N.P. Myshkin suggested that light is not just a “flux of radiant energy”, as it was then customary to say that it is not only a “carrier of light pressure”.

Light is a medium that affects space and changes its energy characteristics. The professor conducted his experiments at night – thus he excluded the effect of sunlight.

The device was placed on a table. The room was darkened. Three meters from the device, the Auer burner, a gas lamp, was lit. On the mirror was directed – from the flame of the burner – through the lens a beam of light. Reflected from the mirror, it hit the screen. And what? Ten minutes after the start of the experiment, the pointer disk turned, set to a new position, from which it did not leave until the burner was burning.

The professor knew that voices would be heard: the disk rotates under the influence of convective heat flows that arise under the glass cap from the heat of the burner. To exclude any possibility of such interpretations, the experiment was complicated. Together with the measurement of the angle of rotation of the disk, the air temperature in the laboratory was also measured. It turned out that the burner raises it near the device (and not under the glass case) by only 0.007 degrees! A simple calculation convinced the scientist that no convection currents could affect the disk, and therefore N.P. Myshkin expressed the conviction that he was dealing with some “new” forces.

Installation of Professor N.P. Myshkin for the detection of ponderomotor forces.
Installation of Professor N.P. Myshkin for the detection of ponderomotor forces.

It also turned out to be something else. Depending on the position of the burner in space, the indicator deviated differently. Numerous tests showed that the maximum deviation always occurred in a strictly defined position of all objects participating in the experiment. The experiments became more complicated.

Since light is nothing but a certain energy medium (N.P. Myshkin reasoned), it can be accumulated by material bodies. Taking an oak bar, the scientist sawed it in half and after keeping one half for ten minutes in direct sunlight, put it in the shade “to cool down.” As soon as the temperature of the heated “irradiated” part became equal to the other, non-irradiated one, it was brought to the device (before that, the non-irradiated half of the bar was next to the indicator – thus, the effect of “clean” wood was accurately recorded).

So, as soon as the pieces of wood changed places, the bar irradiated in the sun began to deflect the indicator! Curious! Doesn’t this mean that the famous Laputin wise men from D. Swift’s novel “Gulliver’s Travels” were not so stupid, trying to accumulate sunlight in cucumbers? Experiments with bars were continued. The only difference is that they were kept not only in the sun, but also in a constant magnetic field. The effect turned out to be exactly the same! True, the perturbing effect was not too long – after about thirty minutes the disk returned to its initial position. The indicator was covered with screens of various materials – brass, aluminum, wood – the effect was the same. By replacing the burner with sources of gamma and beta rays, the scientist found that they did not affect the indicator.

But the phosphorescent paint, previously irradiated with the light of the same burner, affected the indicator in almost the same way as its flame. In addition, the influence of scattered daylight turned out to be the same. So what was it that deflected the indicator? N.P. Myshkin did not find an answer. The only thing he could do was to repeat his assertion that some “subtle” forces are constantly operating in space, different from magnetic, electrical and others known at that time, and that sensitive torsion balances or indicators of a similar type are capable of registering them.

He also noted that the behavior of the mica disk was influenced by the position of the Moon, the Sun, the time of year and day, and the state of the atmosphere.

Kazan Pendulum

50 years after the work of N.P. Myshkin, experiments were carried out at Kazan State University, which presented their authors with no less surprising results. The essence of the matter was as follows. In connection with the production need, KSU started developing a sensitive gravimeter of a special design. This device has been made.

It was a vertical pendulum with two degrees of freedom, that is, it could freely oscillate in a horizontal plane. His first tests gave very unexpected results.

The experience went like this. The pendulum was cocked, then set in motion, at the same time the most accurate chronometer and a device that fixed the trajectory of the plumb line were switched on, and this was done in such a way that at any time the researchers – Professor A.V. Petrov and his assistant A.L. Bildyukevich – could determine the coordinate of the deviation.

Diagram of the device of a pendulum with two degrees of freedom, manufactured at Kazan State University
Diagram of the device of a pendulum with two degrees of freedom, manufactured at Kazan State University

So, the pendulum wrote out characteristic figures. But when they compared two seemingly identical trajectories, they found that they did not match. Moreover, these discrepancies arose somehow by chance, irregularly. It happened that for several days absolutely identical figures lay down on the paper, and then suddenly, for no apparent reason, “distortions” began.

All extraneous influences were absolutely excluded – the experiment was set up as cleanly as possible. The experiments continued for several years, and each time such a strange picture was observed. Maybe the timing was wrong?

This could affect the fixation of the figures. The researchers equipped the installation with reliable electronics as much as possible. The effect continued to occur. The period of oscillation of the pendulum always remained constant, as it was supposed to. Maybe the design itself is to blame? No, she is quite ordinary; except that the discovered fact is very unusual – neither in the past, nor ever else, the phenomenon of displacements of the trajectories of the pendulum in time in the absence of any visible perturbations was discovered. Without finding any reasonable explanation for this phenomenon, the researchers forgot it … for 18 years . True, during this long period it was possible to encounter another phenomenon. Comparing the monthly changes in the intensity of the horizontal component of the Earth’s magnetic field (according to the KSU geomagnetic observatory) and the amplitude values ​​of the pendulum trajectories, some correlations between these indicators were found.

Tension fell – the amplitude decreased, tension grew – the amplitude increased. But why? There was no explanation.

Delta continues to work

This “strange” device was created in 1972.

The lightest foil disk is suspended on the cobweb, the rotations of which are recorded by a recorder.

However, let us briefly recall its construction. The lightest foil disk is suspended on the cobweb, the rotations of which are recorded by a recorder.

Unlike the N.P. The Delta mouse disk can turn on the suspension in one direction many times, the resistance of the web to twisting is practically absent. So, sometimes he spun in this way for several months without stopping; sometimes it froze, or even was completely motionless. So, at one time it was possible to notice the connection between the rotation of the Delta and a number of factors. However, further research was hampered by one feature of the device, which somewhat narrowed its capabilities.

The disk pointer, as it turned out, is too sensitive, and therefore reacts to a variety of environmental disturbances. We can say that he listens to all extraneous noise, which makes it difficult to select any specific influences. It’s like a situation where you need to catch the voice of one person in the conversation of the crowd.

It was necessary to somehow reduce the sensitivity of the device – to search for new correlations. Instead of a disk, a kind of isosceles triangle with an arrow on one of the vertices was placed on the suspension, the suspension itself was made of several woven cobwebs …

"Delta" is an indicator of engineer V.S. Belyaev that registers subtle changes in the energy state of the environment.
“Delta” is an indicator of engineer V.S. Belyaev that registers subtle changes in the energy state of the environment.

So, the new design of the “Delta” already “perceived” space in a slightly different way. We will not go into subtleties, but immediately list all the features of her behavior. In stable weather, the arrow is motionless.

A few days (and sometimes even hours) before the weather changes – before the approach of a cyclone or anticyclone – the arrow will take a new position, sometimes deviating from the original one by 180 °. It is curious that during a stable stage of the cyclone, when the sky is completely covered with clouds, if the Sun looks at least for a minute, the indicator will immediately react to this “clearance”.

In such cases, several “restless” moments can be recorded in just one day. It would seem that the Sun is to blame, but Delta does not react to the sunrises of our luminary, but its sunsets act on it in different ways.

In summer, for example, deviations of the indicator are quite frequent – at evening dawns – and seem to have nothing to do with weather conditions; it seems that there are some additional influences associated with the mutual position of the Earth and the Sun, to which N.P. Myshkin… The relationship between deviations of the indicator and the biological activity of various objects is very clearly manifested. True, in order to elucidate this connection, it is necessary to scrupulously observe a number of conditions, otherwise the “noise” will not make it possible to detect interactions. First of all, to set up such experiments, “stable” weather is needed, preferably clear, because on rainy, gloomy days the effect is less pronounced.

The arrow must obviously stand still so that there are no “pickup”. The simplest experiment is with fresh or freshly cut flowers, and in this case it is also necessary to remember the unusual properties of space …

Well, for example, if you randomly bring flowers to the device, not caring about the position of, say, a bouquet relative to the pointer, then the effect may not appear. The device maximally responds to a living object only when it is located in a strictly defined position in relation to the “Delta”, and in addition, at a strictly defined point in space. It is interesting that during the day these “active” positions change, the response maxima shift, as if the space itself changes some of its characteristics…

If you move the device itself, then the arrow will take a new position, but the “active” points will remain in their places. Another thing is strange. Inert, inanimate bodies have a very weak effect on the device, in such cases the degree of deviation of the indicator depends only on the mass of the object introduced into the “sensitivity zone” and the square of the distance to it; the activity of spatial points is almost not manifested.

Space, energy, time

It looks like in the experiments of N.P. Myshkin, and in experiments with a pendulum and “Delta” we are dealing with very similar and difficult to explain phenomena. Despite all attempts to find at least an approximate interpretation of them in the wide and specialized literature, it was not possible to find one. Nevertheless, the facts established as a result of experiments require reflection. Let’s try to draw at least speculative results. Let’s start with the simplest model. Let us recall the words of Yevgeny Shatalov, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (his article “The Space Chronicle of the Earth” was published in TM No. a period of about 200 million years. What external influences does it experience on its long journey? It is obvious that the solar system crosses sections of space with different density of interstellar matter and different physical fields known and unknown to us.

It is irradiated by mysterious galactic cosmic rays. On its way there are fading, then flashing luminaries. We should not forget that the system itself lives its own inner life. Running it in orbit, as well as rotating around its axis, either accelerates or slows down. All this inevitably leads to a change in the internal processes on each of its bodies, including the Earth.

An impressive picture of the dynamic life of space! Yes, we ourselves, and all other objects inhabiting the Earth, are part of this space, constantly changing its energy characteristics. This is where our device stands at a certain point in it.

At the moment of measurement, at the moment of setting up the experiment, the space both near the device and at an arbitrarily distant distance from it is in a completely definite state, which will change in the next instant. These changes occur hourly, every minute, every second, and the dynamics of changes at each point, in each section of the universe is different.

The entire material world is a set of constantly operating processes, a great set of “movements”, changes, changes, and any such change affects the course of subsequent processes in its own way. Myshkin, and the pendulum, and “Delta” are sensitive instruments that register just such low-energy processes. It is hardly worth talking about how important these measurements are for us. After all, besides the fact that any global event always begins with very small manifestations, low-energy processes accompany us everywhere. Without them, the picture of the world is incomplete. A fresh apple just picked from a tree rejects the Delta indicator more than an apple that has lain for several days. A rotten apple hardly rejects it. Therefore, the device is capable, in particular, of distinguishing good-quality food from poor-quality food, a living object from an inanimate one.

Sunlight changes the energy characteristics of space, and N.P. Myshkina feels them. Over time, it will become clear to us what is the role of low-energy processes in the development of living matter. But it is already quite clear now that research with such devices needs to be carried out further; who knows what new information they might give us?


Professor Myshkin’s experiments 1911

Technique – youth, 1983, No. 10, p. 42–44.

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