A Treatise on Astral Projection

 How Does Projection Happen?

During sleep, the energy body, also known as the etheric body or vitality sheath, is put on charge.

It expands and opens in order to accumulate and store energy. The energy body can, normally, only do this in its expanded state during sleep. Once expanded, the chakras trickle power, in the form of etheric matter, into the energy body.

During this recharging process the astral body separates and tunes into the astral dimension where it can create and experience dreams. If this separation is done consciously, or if you become aware after it, you can take some control over it. It then becomes an OOBE, astral projection or lucid dream.

The main differences between an OOBE, astral projection and a lucid dream are: 


The OOBE (out of body experience) is a real time projection close to the physical world.

This often occurs as part of a near death experience. This is where a person is knocked out of their body as a result of some kind of severe trauma, i.e. car accident, surgery, heart attack, child birth etc. OOBE’ers are aware of things happening in the real world, in real time; such as conversations and events centered around, or near to, their physical body.

In many cases, these events and conversations are accurately reported by the person after they have returned to their body. Note: The OOBE is slightly different from astral projection or lucid dreaming because of its real time, objective aspect.

This is caused by the astral body containing a large amount of etheric matter, which holds it close to the physical world.

There are two main causes of real time OOBE:

  1. A person’s body is near death, or thinks it is, which causes a large amount of etheric matter to be channeled into the astral body in preparation for the death process. 
  2. The person has active chakras which are doing a similar thing, i.e. channeling etheric matter into the astral body. Having active chakras can be a natural ability, or it can be developed by training.

Note: You can project consciously, and have a real time OOBE if enough etheric matter is generated by the chakras. In an OOBE, reality is perceived as objective (real) and time is normal (real time).

Technically, when you project into the physical world in real time as in an OOBE, it is really into the boundary area of the buffer zone, between the physical and astral dimensions. If the astral body contains enough etheric matter it can exist only slightly out of phase from reality.

This means the projection is in real time and so close to the physical dimension as to be indistinguishable from it.

Note: I have checked this many times, by projecting, in real time, during the day and scouting my local area for road works, accidents, incidents etc., then verifying the accuracy of my findings afterwards.

There are strong natural barriers to conscious, real time projection, the OOBE, in the physical world. The amount of etheric matter generated and channeled to the astral body, is one of them.

It limits the duration of any real time projection to the degree of chakra development and control. 

The Astral Projection

This is where the astral body is projected into the astral dimension, where things are quite different from the real world. Time is distorted and extended, i.e., an hour in the astral can be like a few minutes in the physical dimension, depending on what part of the astral you are in.

Reality is fluid and changeable. 

The Lucid Dream

This is where a person becomes fully aware that they are dreaming during a dream. They either take some kind of conscious control over the course of events, or they convert the experience into an astral projection.

Lucid dreaming is more similar to an astral projection than to an OOBE, as time and reality are distorted. 

Astral Projection Or Lucid Dream?

Many astral projectors black out before making a conscious exit from their body and return to awareness in the astral dimension.

You become aware after the actual separation from the physical body and are usually already in the astral dimension. If you miss the conscious exit from your body you are technically having a lucid dream, not an astral projection as you have become aware after separation.

All three types of projection are closely related, i.e., they all involve the astral body separating from the physical and experiencing a reality separate from the physical body. 


Part 2

Starting Out

Starting Out 

After the physical body has fallen asleep, the astral body always projects into the physical world.

Once the energy body has expanded, the astral body floats free and hovers just above the physical body, but within the expanded energy body’s field of influence. Within this field, known as cord activity range, the astral body is held close to the physical world as it is within a field of etheric matter.

During a conscious astral projection it may appear as if you are projecting straight into an astral plane. But there is always an intermediary phase at the beginning, when you are existing as an astral form close to the physical dimension. This, real time part of any projection, may be missed if you black out at the moment of projection.

The area around the body, within cord activity range, is flooded with etheric matter and within this field the astral body is held in real time close to the physical dimension. 

Etheric Matter

Etheric matter is the actual life force substance generated by all living things by simply being alive. It is a substance in-between physical matter and astral matter, part physical and part astral.

This etheric matter has actual weight. It is a very refined substance in between matter and energy and is similar to its coarser cousin, ectoplasm. There have been scientific studies done on this phenomena. Dying people in hospitals have had their beds placed on delicate scales shortly before death and hooked up to EEG and ECG monitors.

In all cases, at the exact moment of death, a sudden weight loss of approximately one quarter of an ounce is observed. This is caused by a large amount of etheric matter being transferred into the astral body at the moment of physical death. This is similar to the sudden transfer of etheric matter into the astral body during a near death experience where the body believes it is dying.

This sudden, massive transfer of etheric matter is the start of the death process. 


Ectoplasm has been studied in a similar fashion.

Materialization mediums have been placed on delicate scales and then asked to produced ectoplasm onto another set of fine scales. These mediums were observed to lose weight at exactly the same rate as the weighed ectoplasm gained weight. When the medium reabsorbed the ectoplasm this weight transfer was reversed.

Ectoplasm is produced by the chakras.

It converts part of the physical mass of the mediums body into another substance, ectoplasm

Interdimensional Manifestation

Any non-physical or disincarnate entity, including the astral body, in order to function, in real time, close to the physical dimension, must contain etheric matter. Without etheric matter, non-physical entities fade back into their dimension of origin.

Etheric matter can only be obtained from living inhabitants of the physical world. 

Energy Flow

The famed “Silver Cord” does more than just tie the two bodies together.

It is a true umbilical cord, transmitting information and energy between the physical and subtle bodies. It is seen by some projectors and not seen by others. Sometimes it is seen emanating from the navel, sometimes from the forehead. The area the cord is seen emanating from may depend on chakra activity.

Whichever chakra is the strongest, most active, could have control of energy flow to the subtle bodies. There is also the belief system of the projector to consider and the creative power of the subconscious mind.

The cord will usually appear to be wherever you believe it will be, courtesy of the subconscious. Once the astral body enters the astral dimension it must have a good supply of astral energy from the chakras in order to interact strongly with that dimension. Clear astral memory depends greatly on the amount of energy available.

As the astral dimension is the natural domain of the astral body, it will not fade out of it due to a lack of energy. As in the real world, if a person hasn’t eaten or slept for a few days they don’t dissolve into another dimension. They just get weak and listless and don’t interact strongly with the physical world. What it boils down to is this: The astral mind must have enough energy to give it strong, vivid memories.

These astral memories must be strong enough to make a good sized wrinkle in the physical brain, so the physical mind can recall them when it wakes up.

For example, if you haven’t slept for a few days you will be tired, listless and your interaction with reality will be weak and vague. If you see a movie in this tired state you will retain little memory of it. Afterwards, you may only remember fragments of it and your memory of it will be a vague blur. If, however, you see a movie when you are well rested, fresh and full of energy, it is different. You take in everything about the movie and enjoy it.

Your memory of it will be crystal clear. This is similar to what happens after a low powered astral journey. The astral body lacks energy and so does not have clear enough impressions of its journey. This causes it to fail making its memories the dominant ones when it returns return to the physical body.

As I stated earlier, there must be strong, vivid memories if a wrinkle is to be made in the physical brain and the experience remembered. 

Chakras Use

Fully developing the chakras and learning how to control them can take many years, depending on natural ability.

This will not, however, stop you using them in a very basic way; to enhance your OOBE’s and lucid dreams, at a very early stage in your development. Raising energy and stimulating the chakras is extremely simple to do.

This raised energy will automatically flow into your astral body, prior to and during projection. By learning to raise energy and control the flow of power through the chakras, the nature of your dreams, lucid dreams and OOBE’s will change. They will become vivid and unforgettable experiences.

This, in a way, gives you a second life, full of rich experiences you can enjoy, learn and grow from. 

Higher Levels And Their Buffer Zones

The commonly accepted names for the seven known levels of existence, from lowest to highest, are:

  1. Physical
  2. Astral
  3. Mental
  4. Buddhic
  5. Atmic
  6. Anupadaka
  7. Adi

These higher planes are similar in structure to the astral dimension but at a much higher level of consciousness and are completely separate from it. In between the different levels are intermediary areas or buffer zones, sometimes called lower sub planes.

A good analogy for the different dimensions and their buffer zones is the Earth’s atmosphere: If the air in the Earth’s atmosphere was the astral dimension, the stratosphere would be the buffer zone and the vacuum of space would be the mental dimension.

You can fly in the Earth’s atmosphere in a normal air plane/astral body. A very powerful jet plane is needed to take you into the stratosphere, but you need a space ship/mental body, to travel through space. This explains why a different subtle body is needed to travel into these different levels of existence.

The astral body can enter the buffer zones, or sub planes, of the dimensions above and below the astral dimension, if it contains the correct type of energy. i.e. To exist in the buffer zone between the physical/astral levels (in real time) the astral body must contain etheric energy.

To exist in the buffer zone between the astral/mental levels it must contain mental energy. 

Higher Level Projection

With enough control over the chakras, the energy for these higher levels can be produced.

The production of one particular type of energy will raise the consciousness to that level and energize the corresponding subtle body. This is usually done by consciousness raising meditation and advanced energy work on the chakras.

The consciousness can then experience that level of existence. If enough energy is available, and conditions are right, the meditator can project that particular subtle body directly into its natural dimension.

Depending on the skill and natural ability of the operator, if a higher body is energized and projected so, usually, are the lower ones. The astral body contains within it all the other subtle bodies and can, during a projection, project the mental body into the mental dimension and so on. This will sometimes give multiple sets of memories from the one projection. The general rule is, whichever subtle body contains the greatest amount of energy, will have the strongest memories.

These dominant memories will be the ones retained by the physical mind upon its return to the waking state.

Projecting consciously into levels higher than the astral dimension takes a high level of skill. You need to be proficient in both consciousness raising and chakra control, but it is achievable. I have, so far, projected into the Astral, Mental, Buddhic and Atmic levels of existence. It is commonly believed that it is only possible for a human to project into the Astral, Mental and Buddhic levels and not possible to project into the higher Adi and Anupadaka.

These dimensions have been named, and are described, so someone must have been there or they would be unknown. If you realize the true nature of the mind you will understand there are no limits. It was also once said that the sound barrier would never be broken.

BTW: These dimensions don’t have signposts on them saying Welcome to the Astral dimension, ta… daa! or “Mental dimension, watch your mind!”.

So I will describe the higher levels I have been to using these accepted names. 

The Astral Dimension

This is a topsy-turvy world like Alice found in Wonderland.

Everything seems objective (real) but is changeable and fluid. Anything and everything can be found there, from base, coarse levels full of sexual energy; to beautiful, serene places full of spiritual harmony.

Time is distorted and extended there. An hour in the Astral can seem like only a few minutes here in the physical. Compared to the physical world it is at a much higher vibration. It’s like playing a video tape at twenty times normal speed, although this is not apparent when you are there. Moving amongst the astral dream pools is usually a hit or miss affair for most projectors. It takes a lot of experience to make planned astral journeys to specific realities.

There are an infinite number of realities, planes, realms and dream pools in this dimension. As I stated before, they naturally strata and settle into pools of related thought. During sleep, or in a lucid dream, the subconscious mind usually creates one especially for you, your own personal dream theatre. When you become aware during a dream, you take control over it.

This control is taken over from the powerful subconscious mind. Without its powerful controlling influence, your personal custom created realm will change.

You will begin tuning into other sympathetic parts of the astral, and the reality you are in will mix with other realities and take on different aspects. In a conscious projection into the astral dimension, you can tune into any part of it and travel into different realities, other dream pools, or a mix of many. There are various techniques for this but they all involve some way to disorient the subconscious mind, tricking it into moving you into a different Astral reality.

Some projectors look at their hands and watch them melt.

Others spin around, causing left right reversals. These methods all disorient the mind and trick the subconscious into tuning into another part of the astral. It’s very difficult to describe how to move amongst the levels, you really have to learn by doing it, by trial and error.

You have to learn how to use and control the subconscious mind, how to trick it for a specific result. 

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